Adaptive Reuse Gets a Huge Case Study

Katherine Allen, it is SO exciting to see an invested commitment, especially by a developer, to this approach and follow thru of adaptive reuse as building upcycling. Congratulations to 3XN to both land and execute this innovative intervention.

Everyone can learn from this example from owners and developers to architects and designers, and the idea of a long term return on investment beyond the quarterly spreadsheet that solves problems and benefits everyone.

Reuse intervention is the way of the future. This reminds me of the modernist interventions with ancient structures one sees throughout Europe executed without fear and many of which actually celebrate the expression of both: WebUrbanist Article on Modern interventions as Adaptive Reuse

I am resharing as our industry needs to see that this can work, even on a grand scale, if the teams have imagination, the technical expertise and a commitment to imaginative solutions for our clients and the world at large.

Link to project article here: Quay Quarter Tower

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